Article on Zakat
The Original Meaning Of The Word Zakat
Giving Zakat (Support of the Needy):
All things belong to God, and wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust. The original meaning of the word zakat is both ‘purification’ and ‘growth.’Zakat:
Zakat or alms-giving is the practice of charitable giving by Muslims based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all who are able to do so. It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for others and eliminate inequality. Zakat consists of spending 2.5% of one’s wealth for the benefit of the poor or needy, including slaves, debtors and travelers. A Muslim may also donate more as an act of voluntary charity (sadaqah), rather than to achieve additional divine reward.There are two main types of Zakat. First, there is the kajj, which is a fixed amount There are five principles that should be followed when giving the Zakat:- The giver must declare to God his intention to give the Zakat.
- The Zakat must be paid on the day that it is due.
- After the Offering, the payer must not exaggerate on spending his money more than usual means.
- Payment must be in kind. This means if one is wealthy then he or she needs to pay 2.5% of their income. If a person does not have much money, then they should compensate for it in different ways, such as good deeds and good behavior toward others.
- The Zakat must be distributed in the community from which it was taken.
Zakat is the 3rd pillar of Islam and is the determined :
share of wealth prescribed by Allah S.W.T.
to be distributed to the 8 categories entitled to receive it. Zakat as
translated from
means growth, multiplicity, fertility, cleansing, full of baraqah. It
is an ibadah in terms of wealth. A symbol of Islamic social justice,
Zakat cleanses your soul, purifies and grows your wealth while
eradicating poverty.
Zakat in the Quran and Hadith:
“O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you…” (Al-Baqarah: Verse 267)”(The superstructure of) Islam is raised on five (pillars): to utter an attestation of faith, performance of prayer, payment of Zakat, fast of Ramadan and pilgrimage (to Makkah).” (Narrated by Ibnu Umar R.A.)Significance of Zakat for the individual:
- Purifies and promotes assets.
- Develops gratitude for Allah’s bounty.
- Brings about a sense of peace and well-being.
Significance of Zakat for society:
- Minimizes the feeling of envy among those who are less well-to-do.
- Provides a religiously-approved method of managing the society’s economy and finance.
- Makes it possible for part of the wealth of the rich to be distributed among the poor.
What is notentitled to receive zakat:
The rich. Messenger of Allah said, “It is not lawful to take alms (Zakat) for people who are rich and people who have the power of energy.” (Bukhari). * Slave, because they still earn money or dependents of the master. * Descendants of the Prophet. Messenger of Allah said, “Surely not lawful for us (Ahlul Bait) take alms (zakat).” (Muslim). * People in the tithe dependents, such as children and wives. * The infidels.Some benefits of Zakah avail Diniyah (terms of religion):
With a tithe means have been running one of the Five Pillars of Islam which deliver a servant to the happiness and salvation of the world and the hereafter. 2. Is a means for slaves to taqarrub (closer) to his Lord, will add to the faith because of its presence which includes several kinds of obedience. 3. Zakat payers will get a big reward is doubled, as the word of God, which means: “God destroy usury and fertile alms” (QS Al Baqarah: 276). In a hadith muttafaq “alaih Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ was also explained that the alms of good fortune will be developed by Allah grown exponentially. 4. Zakat is a means for sin, as it once spoke by the Prophet Muhammad.Pillars of Islam: Giving Zakat:
I have written in previous posts about the
first three pillars of Islam: shahadah (the proclamation of faith),
salah (prayer), and saum Ramadan (fasting the month
of Ramadan). In this post, I will focus on giving zakat, or almsgiving.
The word zakat comes from the Arabic root “to purify.” Muslims purify
their wealth by giving around 2.5% of standing wealth, wealth that they
have not needed to use during the year, to those in need. Zakat is
different from voluntary charity called sadaqah because it is required
of all able Muslims.
There are many verses in the Qur’an that prescribe giving zakat. This
pillar is very often mentioned in conjunction with salah (prayer)
because Muslims have a vertical relationship with God that is reflected
in the five daily prayers, but they also have a horizontal responsibilty
to other human beings embodied in giving zakat to those in need. One
example is verse 73 in chapter 21:- And We made them leaders, guiding (men) by Our Command, and We sent them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular prayers, and to practice regular charity; and they constantly served Us (and Us only).
- In addition to prescribing zakat as one of the pillars of Islam, in verse 60 in chapter 9, the Qur’an also gives instructions as to who should receive alms.
- As-Sadaqât (here it means Zakât) are only for the Fuqarâ’(poor), and Al-Masâkin (the poor) and those employed to collect (the funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islâm); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allâh’s Cause (i.e. for Mujâhidûn – those fighting in the holy battle), and for the wayfarer (a traveller who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allâh. And Allâh is All-Knower, All-Wise.
Do other faith traditions have required alms? What do you think is the purpose of alms and charity? Please share your comments below.
Zakaat (the poor due): Meaning, ruling & benefits:
The literal meaning of “Zakaat” is purity. Its Islamic technical meaning designates the annual amount of wealth, food, property etc. which a Muslim with the adequate means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries.Zakaat is a remarkable institution and a major pillar of Islam. Allaah, Almighty, Says (what means): “And establish the Prayer, and pay Zakaat (the poor due)…” [Quran, 2:43]
Moreover, Zakaat is an obligatory act because it is one of the pillars of Islam: The Prophet said: “Islam was built upon five (pillars): `
Zakaat is a small portion of the Muslim’s wealth that must be given to the poor or to other specified beneficiaries. Whoever claims that Zakaat is not obligatory and refuses to pay it, is not a Muslim, but a Muslim who refuses to pay Zaakat due to stinginess, while affirming its obligation, has committed a great sin for which one will be severely punished.
Allaah, Almighty, Says (what means): “and as for those who hoard treasures of gold and silver, and do not spend them for the sake of Allaah, announce unto them a painful torment. On the Day when that [hoarded wealth] shall be heated in the Fire of Hell and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, (and it will be said unto them): `This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what you used to hoard.” [Quran 9: 34-35]
He, Almighty, also Says (what means): “And let not those who covetously withhold of that which Allaah has bestowed on them of His bounty (wealth) think that it is good for them (and so they do not pay Zakaat). No, it will be worse for them; the things which they covetously withheld will be tied to their necks like a collar on the Day of Resurrection…“ [Quran 3:180]
There is no equivalent in any other language to the word “Zakaat” and the meaning it conveys. It is not just a form of charity, or alms-giving or tax or tithe. Nor, is it simply an expression of kindness; it is all of these combined and much more. It is a duty enjoined by Allaah and a source of purification
for the individual and society as a whol
He, Almighty, Says (what means): “Take from their wealth ‘sadaqah’ (Zakaat) in order to purify them and sanctify them with it.” [Quran 9: 103]
Zakaat benefits the society in many ways. Here is an explanation of the far-reaching effects of it:
1. Zakaat purifies the individual and his wealth. The status of his wealth is increased with Allaah and in turn, he will be rewarded. When a person becomes liable for paying Zakaat, a certain percentage of his wealth should be distributed immediately in the correct manner, because at that point, the wealth which is to be distributed does not belong to him. If this wealth is retained, it spoils the status of all of his wealth.
2. Zakaat does not only purify the property of the one who gives it, it also purifies his heart from selfishness and greed. In return, it purifies the heart of the recipient from envy and jealousy, and it fosters in his heart good will and warm wishes toward the contributor. As a result, the rich and poor of society are bound together as a unit, working together and helping one another.
3. Zakaat decreases the sufferings of the needy and poor members of society, however, those in need should not depend on it completely.
4. Zakaat is an effective means of developing the spirit of social responsibility on the part of the well-to-do, and the feeling of security and belonging on the part of the underprivileged.
5. Zakaat is a clear manifestation of the spiritual and humanitarian interactions between the individual and society. It is a sound illustration of the fact that though Islam does not hinder private enterprise or condemn private possessions, it does not tolerate selfish and greedy
In conclusion, we mention a calling by Allaah, Almighty (what means): “O You who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from grievous suffering [in this world and in the life to come)? You are to believe in Allaah and His Messenger and strive hard in Allaah's cause with your possessions and your lives: this is for your own good – if you had known it." [Qur'an, 61: 10-11]
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